3D Laser Imaging

3D Laser Imaging

Design with All the Information, in One Image

3D laser mapping technology is the fastest way to create accurate digital models of structures and properties. Such precise drawings reduce errors that can cause expensive change orders and delays with approval. Van Harten Surveying Inc. employs 3D laser mapping to scan structures, sites, and objects to create survey quality, CAD-ready images without the need for hundreds of photographs and measurements.

Van Harten has used 3D laser mapping to assist architects, planners, and engineers on a variety of applications:

  • create detailed digital drawings of existing buildings where no building drawings exist.
  • model vegetation, utility lines, and building impact on the surrounding environment.
  • conduct topographical surveys of sites.
  • create digital models of mechanical systems and other internal building elements.

Building Additions, New Construction, and Historic Renovations

  • scan an existing building to create a 3D representation that can be imported directly into CAD.
  • create building drawings where none exist such as in a heritage renovation project.
  • model building impact on neighbouring properties and the natural environment, including roof lines, sight lines, and shadows during different seasons or times of the day.
  • create digital images that can be used to design custom moulding that matches existing conditions or is able to work with existing wall imperfections.

Topographic Surveys

  • improve the efficiency and level of detail achieved using standard survey methods

Structural Analysis

  • demonstrate complete flatness of a surface, such as a sports field, floor, or ice rink.

Civil and Industrial Calculations

  • accurate volume measurement of excavated stockpiles of soil.
  • digital models of mechanical systems and other internal building elements to accurately determine size and location.

3D Printing

  • scan any object for 3D printing.
Metes and Bounds Van Harten Acquires Both Dolliver Surveying Inc.-Halton Hills & David J. Pesce Surveying-Orangeville